Sunday, November 2, 2008

Baby Update

Well, here is the latest of the little one growin inside! Wednesday night i went into preterm labor! Yay for me! Ok not really. I started having contractions that were timeable around 6:30p.m. and so i went and layed around to see if they would ease up a little bit. Well two hours later they were getting harder and harder and were about 8 minutes apart. So, we came home and by 9:30 they were getting about 5 minutes apart. We called the dr and they said to try a few things what we had already tried to see if they would go away. Well they just kept getting stronger. By 10:00, i said lets go! We got to the hospital and got me in a room and were checking the baby and i had only efaced like 20 % more then what i was the monday before. So they said, well lets check in an hour and see if you have progressed. If not you will be sent home. So of course an hour later with contractions 3 minutes apart, i didnt change! Crap! So they gave me the wonderful "shaky" shot to stop my labor and sent me home. So now here i am on bedrest at my house, miserable, still contractioning and doing everything possible to keep here in until atleast the 10th! Which puts me at 37 weeks!

Wish me luck, we will let you know when she is here and put up some pictures!

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